In this post, we would be talking about a c# version history i.e list of C# new features along with their version from C#1.0 to C#10.
If you are looking for an in-depth article for each and every feature with respect to the version it was released with, then you may stop here and skip this post.
Topics Covered
C#(Pronounced as CSharp) is an object-oriented programming language designed by Anders Hejlsberg and developed by Microsoft in the year 2000. It has been now 20+ years since its inception.
C# Version History
We have mentioned the features of the C# language and demonstrated the evolution of C# from version C#1.0 to C#10 (the current version at the time of writing this post).
C# 1.0
Microsoft released the first version of C# with Visual Studio 2002. The use of Managed Code was introduced with this version. C# 1.0 was the first language that the developer adopted to build .NET applications.
The major features of C# 1.0 include:
- Classes
- Structs
- Interfaces
- Events
- Properties
- Delegates
C# 2.0
Microsoft released the second version of C# language with Visual Studio 2005. C# 2.0 has introduced a few new features in this edition which helped the developers to code their applications in a more generic way.
Here are the new features that were introduced with C# 2.0:
- Partial Class
- Generics
- Static Classes
- Nullable Types
- Co-variance and Contravariance
C# 3.0
Visual Studio 2008 came with C# version 3.0 and it has a bunch of new features. It was the life-changing language for Microsoft platform developers to build their applications. Till now, many developers are still using this version to build their apps. The new features that came with C# 3.0 were:
- Lambda Expression
- Extension Methods
- Expression Trees
- Anonymous Types
- Implicit Type (var)
C# 4.0
Though C# 4.0 was released with Visual Studio 2010 with .NET Framework 4, very few developers use its new features. Here is a list of new features of C# that came with this version:
- Late Binding
- Named Arguments
- Optional Parameters
- More COM Support
- Dynamic Keyword
C# 5.0
Visual Studio 2012 came up with C# 5.0 and it was made available to the audience in the year 2012. In C# version 5.0, there are two key features:
- Async Programming
- Caller Information
C# 6.0
The C# 6.0 release contained many features that improve productivity for developers. Some of the features in this release were:
- Read-only Auto-properties
- String Interpolation
- await in catch and finally blocks
- index initializers
- Null- conditional operators
C# 7.0
With Visual Studio 2017 (March 7 – 2017) we got a new version of C# – C# 7.0. There is a lot of new exciting features that nicely build on top of existing ones.
- Out variables
- Pattern matching
- Tuples
- Deconstruction
- Discards
- Local Functions
- Binary Literals
- Digit Separators
- Ref returns and locals
- Generalized async return types
- More expression-bodied members
- Throw expressions
C# 8.0
C# 8.0 adds the following features and enhancements to the C# language:
- Readonly members
- Default interface methods
- Pattern matching enhancements
- Using declarations
- Nullable reference types
- Asynchronous stream
C# 9.0
C#9 is the new version getting ready to be made available. Mads Torgersen, C# Lead Designer from .NET Team has shared some of the major features being added to C#9:
- Init-only properties
- Init accessors & read-only fields
- Records With-expressions
- Value-based equality
- Data members
- Positional records
- Records and mutation
- Top-level programs
- Improved pattern matching
C# 10
C# 10.0 is supported on .NET 6. In C#10, the following features & enhancements are being added to the C# language:
- Global usings
- Null parameter checking
- File-scoped namespaces
- Record structs
- Extended property patterns
At the time of updating this blog post, C#10 is the latest available version, you can refer to Language Feature Status on the Roslyn (C#/VB Compiler) GitHub repo.
To know these features in detail follow our post on C# 10 features.
C# Version History Table
The table below highlights the evolution of the C# Language from the year 2000 to date.
Version | .NET Framework | Visual Studio | Important Features |
C# 1.0 | .NET Framework 1.0/1.1 | Visual Studio .NET 2002 |
C# 2.0 | .NET Framework 2.0 | Visual Studio 2005 |
C# 3.0 | .NET Framework 3.0\3.5 | Visual Studio 2008 |
C# 4.0 | .NET Framework 4.0 | Visual Studio 2010 |
C# 5.0 | .NET Framework 4.5 | Visual Studio 2012/2013 |
C# 6.0 | .NET Framework 4.6 | Visual Studio 2013/2015 |
C# 7.0 | .NET Core 2.0 | Visual Studio 2017 |
C# 8.0 | .NET Core 3.0 | Visual Studio 2019 |
C#9.0 | .NET Core 3.1 | Visual Studio 2019 |
C#10 | .NET6 | Visual Studio 2019 |
We have also written a dedicated post on New Features of C#8
That’s all as per this post is concerned. We will update this list as soon as the new version is out in the market.
Reference: Microsoft Docs
If you like to read about C# interview questions, check our post below:
C# Mastery – Mosh Hamedani
One of the best courses to master your C# skills right from level zero. This series is divided into 4 sections:
- C# Basics
- C# Intermediate
- C# Advanced
- Unit Testing for C# Developers
We hope that you like the summary post on C# Version History and now know How C# evolved from version 1.0 through 9.0?
What do you think?
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Happy Coding!
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