visual studio codespaces

Now What Is Visual Studio Codespaces?

Visual Studio Online gets rebranded and now called Visual Studio Codespaces and is a cloud-hosted development platform offered by tech giant Microsoft.


If you don’t know or haven’t used Visual Studio Online, let us tell you that it’s an online version of your desktop-based integrated development environment (IDE) for .NET and other supported programming languages. It’s obviously more than an editor, its IDE 😎

Why Rebranding?

Microsoft says that as per the feedback they received from their users they find that – “the capabilities of this cloud-hosted dev environment make it space where I want to write all my code”.

So in order to align with the above-mentioned sentiment, they decided to rebrand Visual Studio Online and call it Visual Studio Codespaces.

Visual Studio Online Codespaces

What’s there for you?

There are a lot more benefits that Visual Studio Codespaces has to offer. Along with its name change, it offers more features at lower prices.


  • Better remote development work with cloud powers.
  • Ability to register any machine to Visual Studio Codespaces and connect it from Visual Studio or VS Code.
  • Users can change the instance size of their environments. So initially, you can start with lower configurations, and then as per your need you can upgrade.


They claim to have lowered the charges. However, for complete pricing details, you may refer to Visual Studio Online Pricing.

You can try it now Try Visual Studio Codespaces


Reads on Visual Studio

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